Sage 50cloud 2022 Subscription Service FAQ - released July 21st, 2021 |
Q: | What is a subscription service? |
A: | The subscription service is an offering that provides Sage 50 Accounting with Sage Business Care to customers on an annual or monthly auto-renewing basis. |
Q: | What happens if customers don’t pay their annual or monthly bill? |
A: | When the subscription terminates, product functionality is restricted to read-only mode. |
Q: | What level of service and support are Sage 50cloud customers entitled to? |
A: | Subscription customers are entitled to unlimited technical support with Sage and all software updates and upgrades while on an active Sage 50cloud subscription service. |
Q: | What if the product is temporarily unable to connect to the Internet? |
A: | All Sage 50 Accounting subscription products are required to access the Internet at least once every 20 days to verify entitlement and ensure the product is up to date. A customer support analyst can help to verify if there is Internet access on the computer. If there is no Internet access, the analyst will refer the customer to an external resource for solving the connectivity issue. |
Q: | What if the product is never able to connect to the Internet? |
A: | Customers without internet connectivity cannot use the Sage 50cloud subcription service. |
Q: | What is the cancellation period? |
A: | Customers can call 877-481-0341 to cancel their subscription up to seven days before their renewal date. |
Q: | Can customers stop and restart the subscription service within the same year? |
A: | Yes. |
Q: | Will customers be able to upgrade to a higher subscription service? |
A: | Yes, customers can move to a higher subscription service at any time (Priority Support). . |
Q: | Will customers able to downgrade to a lower subscription service? |
A: | Yes, customers that are on a priority subscription service can move to a lower subscription service at any time. |
Q: | Will customers be able to go back to a perpetual /annual plan once they are on subscription? |
A: | Customers on a subscription service for Sage 50 Pro Accounting or Sage 50 Premium Accounting may switch to an annual Sage Business Care plan at any time. Customers with a subscription tenure of at least 12 months for Sage 50 Quantum Accounting may switch to an annual Sage Business Care plan. Customers may move up plan or down plan, or up version, but may not move down version due to product constraints. |
Q: | Does Sage refund subscription service fees? |
A: | Subscription fees are nonrefundable. Some customer situations may warrant a refund. For special circumstances, customers may speak with a customer service manager for assistance. |
Q: | Is there a return policy? |
A: | There is no return policy. As with most subscriptions customers are leasing the software and may terminate their agreement at any time upon seven days' notice prior to the renewal date. |
Q: | What is the obsolescence policy for subscription? |
A: | All subscription customers will have access to the most current version of the software and support will be provided on that version of the software only. Customers must be using the most current version of the program and agree to update to the most current version within 90 days of the date it is made available to them. |